Awards & Recognition Forms
PMEA-SMTE Awards for Excellence Order Form
- Margaret S. Bauer Grant Program Information
There are two main submission periods:Fall: Submissions must be received by November 1; expect notification around December 15Spring: Submissions must be received by April 1; expect notification around May 15 - The PMEA Council TTRR Continuing Education Award, in memory of BJ Stark & Barbara Dooley Fox, supporters of music education. This scholarship will be awarded to a full-time, undergraduate or graduate music education major in an accredited PA institution who has completed at least two semesters. (The amount and number of scholarships available may vary from year to year.) The application period will run from April 1 – May 21, 2025.
- The PMEA Music-for-Lifelong-Learning Award, in memory of Donald Edward Stark & Paul Francis Fox, engineers and supporters of music education. This scholarship will be awarded to a full-time, undergraduate or graduate science-technology-engineering-mathematics major in an accredited PA institution who has completed at least two semesters. (The amount and number of scholarships available may vary from year to year.) The application period will run from April 1 – May 21, 2025.
- Irene R. Christman Scholarship
- The scholarship is presented to an outstanding All-State student who will be attending college to major in music education. Established in 1997. The 2024 scholarship will be awarded to a senior student selected to one of the six PMEA All-State Ensembles. *Window to apply is now open and will close Wednesday, March 26, 2025.
- Margaret S. Bauer Grant Program Information
Awards & Recognition Offerings
- Honorary Membership and Honorary Life Membership
- Members of 25 years or more are recommended by individual districts and then sent to the state executive board for approval. The state board may approve one application per year.
- James R. Stewart Distinguished Service Award
- Award given to a PMEA member who has served the association at the State Level. Other criteria may include length of service, multiple PMEA state level offices, NAfME Eastern Division, and/or National Offices. Named for James R. Stewart, past PMEA State President. The window to submit an application is closed.
- PMEA Citation of Excellence
- On a two year rotation between elementary or middle/junior high and high school or college/university. The Citation of Excellence is awarded to PMEA members who have made lasting contributions in their area of teaching. The 2025 Award will be given to educators at the high school and collegiate levels. The window to submit an application is closed.
- PMEA Hall of Fame
- Established July 2008 to honor music educators who, by virtue of their contributions, are recognized as being the most highly regarded professional leaders in music education in the state of Pennsylvania. The window to submit an application is closed.
- PMEA Outstanding Superintendent Award
- To honor a superintendent in Pennsylvania that has supported music education in their school district. The window to submit an application is closed.
- PMEA Outstanding Young Music Educator
- Award created to honor an outstanding young PMEA member music educator within their first 3-5 years of teaching for their contributions to music education and PMEA. The window to submit an application is closed.
- PMEA 25 Years of Teaching Recognition
- PMEA recognizes members, elementary through college/university music educators, who are in their 25th year of teaching (or beyond their 25th year) with at least 15 years of teaching in Pennsylvania. (Person must currently be a PMEA member, however does not need to have been a PMEA member for 25 years.) The window to submit for the recognition is now open and will close at the end of the day (11:59 p.m.) on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. *Please note that you must be present at the 2025 PMEA Annual In-Service Conference, April 9-12 at the Kalahari Resort & Convention Center, in order to accept the recognition (or have someone accept on your behalf).
View the 2022 PMEA Awards Ceremony
View the 2021 PMEA Awards Ceremony
View the 2020 PMEA Awards Ceremony
Honorary Membership
- Sammy Nestico – composer*
- Vaclav Nelhybel – composer*
Honorary Life Membership
- A.D. Davenport*
- Russell E. Shuttlesworth*
- Ronald C. Teare*
- W. Fred Orth*
- Maurice Taylor
- Irene R. Christman*
- Frederick DelMonte*
- Carmen Culp*
- Marie Weber
*denotes deceased recipient