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Model Curriculum Framework: Ensemble Strand

PA Big Ideas and National Standards Artistic Processes
  1. The skills, techniques, elements, and principles of the arts can be learned, studied, refined, and practiced
  2. Artists use tools and resources as well as their own experiences and skills to create art
  3. The arts provide a medium to understand and exchange ideas
  4. Humans have expressed experiences and ideas through the arts throughout time and across cultures
  5. There are formal and informal processes used to assess the quality of works in the arts
  6. People use both aesthetic and critical processes to assess the quality of works in the arts
  1. Creating, Performing, Responding, and Connecting
  2. Creating, Connecting
  3. Creating, Performing, Responding, Connecting
  4. Creating, Performing, Connecting
  5. Performing, Responding, Connecting
  6. Performing, Responding, Connecting
National Standards/Artistic Processes/Enduring Understandings
The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence musicians' work emerge from a variety of sourcesPerformers' interest in and knowledge of musical works, understanding of their own technical skill, and the context for a performance influence the selection of repertoireIndividuals' selection of musical works is influenced by their interests, experiences, understanding, and purposesMusicians' connect their personal interests, experiences, ideas, and knowledge to creating, performing, and responding
Musicians' creative choices are influenced by their own experiences and skills to create artAnalyzing creators' context and how they manipulate elements of music provides insight into their intent and informs performancesResponse to music is informed by analyzing context (social, cultural and historical) and how creators and performers manipulate the elements of musicUnderstanding connections to varied contexts and daily life enhances musicians' creating, performing, and responding
Musicians' evaluate and refine their work through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the application of appropriate criteriaPerformers' make interpretive decisions based on their understanding of context and expressive intentThrough their use of elements and structures of music, creators and performers provide clues to their expressive intent 
Musicians' presentation of creative work is the culmination of a process of creation and communicationTo express their musical ideas, musicians' analyze, evaluate, and refine their performance over time through openness to new ideas, persistence and the application of appropriate criteriaThe personal evaluation of musical works and performances are informed by analysis, interpretation, and established criteria 
 Musicians' judge performance based on criteria that vary across time, place, and cultures  
PA Competencies PA Essential Questions PA Standards Lesson Plan Assessment
9-12-1 Demonstrate the ability to independently create, recreate, rehearse and perform musical works and explain why this is important. Why is it important to be able to create, recreate and perform music independently? 9.1.12.A 9.1.12.B 9.1.12.C 9.1.12.G 9.1.12.H
9-12-2 Identify post-graduation opportunities to be part of the musical community as audience members, amateur musicians or professional musicians. How and why do people continue to engage in music after graduation? 9.1.12.I
9-12-3 Collaborate with others to create a musical work using contemporary technologies. As technology has changed, how has it changed the way we make music? 9.1.12.J 9.1.12.K
9-12-4 Explain similarities between works in dance, music, theatre and visual arts in various cultural and historical contexts. How and why do works in the difference arts disciplines share characteristics? 9.2.12.E 9.2.12.L
9-12-5 Analyse their own performances and compositions and make judgments about their own works as compared with those of other performers and composers. How do musicians compare their work to the work of others? 9.3.12.A 9.3.12.B 9.3.12.G
9-12-6 Analyze the ways in which a musician's use of rhythm, melody, harmony, form, texture and expressive qualities influence an audience's response to the music. What decisions do musicians make to influence the way people experience their work? 9.4.12.C
Artistic Process National Core Arts Anchor Standards Music Process Components 2014 National Core Music Standards PA Standards 1994 National Standards
Creating: Conceiving and developing new artistic ideas and work #1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work Imagine MU:Cr1.1.E.5a MU:Cr1.1E.8a MU:Cr1.1E.Ia MU:Cr1.1E.IIa MU:Cr1.1.E.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.1.5.A 9.1.5.B 9.1.5.C 9.1.5.G 9.1.8.A 9.1.8.B 9.1.8.C 9.1.8.G Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.1.12.A 9.1.12.B 9.1.12.C 9.1.12.J 1 2 3 4 5
#2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work Plan and Make MU:Cr2.1.E.5a MU:Cr2.1.E.5b MU:Cr2.1.E.8a MU:Cr2.1.E.8b MU:Cr2.1.E.Ia MU:Cr2.1.E.Ia MU:Cr2.1.E.IIa MU:Cr2.1.E.IIa MU:Cr2.1.E.IIIa MU:Cr2.1.E.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.1.5.A 9.1.5.B 9.1.5.G 9.1.8.A 9.1.8.B 9.1.8.G Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.1.12.A 9.1.12.B 9.1.12.C 9.1.12.E 9.1.12.J
#3 Refine and complete artistic work Evaluate MU:Cr3.1.E.5a MU:Cr3.1.E.8a MU:Cr3.1.E.Ia MU:Cr3.1.E.IIa MU:Cr3.1.E.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.1.5.B 9.3.5.A 9.3.5.D 9.1.8.B 9.3.8.A 9.3.8.D Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.1.12.B 9.3.12.A 9.3.12.B
Present MU:Pr3.2.E.5a MU:Pr3.2.E.8a MU:Pr3.2.E.Ia MU:Pr3.2.E.IIa MU:Pr3.2.E.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.1.5.B 9.1.5.G 9.1.8.B 9.1.8.C 9.1.8.G 9.3.8.D Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.1.12.B 9.2.12.A
Performing: Realizing artistic ideas and work through interpretation and presentation #4 Analyze, interpret, and select artistic work for presentation Select MU:Pr4.1.E.5a MU:Pr4.1.E.8a MU:Pr4.1.E.Ia MU:Pr4.1.E.IIa MU:Pr4.1.E.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.1.5.A 9.2.5.A 9.1.8.A 9.2.8.A Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.1.12.B 9.1.12.C 9.3.12.A 9.3.12.B 9.3.12.D 1 2 3 5 6 7
Analyze MU:Pr4.2.E.5a MU:Pr4.2.E.8a MU:Pr4.2.E.Ia MU:Pr4.2.E.IIa MU:Pr4.2.E.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.1.5.B 9.1.5.C 9.1.5.G 9.2.5.A 9.1.8.B 9.1.8.C 9.1.8.G Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.1.12.B 9.1.12.C 9.3.12.A
Interpret MU:Pr4.3.E.5a MU:Pr4.3.E.8a MU:Pr4.3.E.Ia MU:Pr4.3.E.IIa MU:Pr4.3.E.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.1.5.B 9.1.8.B 9.1.5.C 9.1.8.C 9.3.5.F 9.3.8.F Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.1.12.B 9.2.12.A 9.2.12.F
#5 Develop and refine artistic work for presentation Rehearse, Evaluate, and Refine MU:Pr5.3.E.5a MU:Pr5.3.E.8a MU:Pr5.3.E.Ia MU:Pr5.3.E.IIa MU:Pr5.3.E.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.1.5.B 9.1.5.C 9.1.5.G 9.3.5.B 9.1.8.B 9.1.8.C 9.1.8.G Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.1.12.B 9.1.12.F 9.2.12.F 9.2.12.J
#6 Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work Present MU:Pr6.1.E.5a MU:Pr6.1.E.8a MU:Pr6.1.E.Ia MU:Pr6.1.E.IIa MU:Pr6.1.E.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.1.5.B 9.1.5.C 9.1.5.G 9.1.8.B 9.1.8.C 9.1.8.G Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.1.12.B 9.1.12.F 9.2.12.F 9.2.12.J
. MU:Pr6.1.E.5b MU:Pr6.1.E.8b MU:Pr6.1.E.Ib MU:Pr6.1.E.IIb MU:Pr6.1.E.IIIb Novice Intermediate 9.1.5.B 9.1.5.C 9.1.5.G 9.2.5.A 9.1.8.B 9.1.8.C 9.1.8.G 9.2.8.A Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.1.12.B 9.1.12.G 9.4.12.C
Responding: Understanding and evaluating how the arts convey meaning #7 Perceive and analyze artistic work Select MU:Re7.1.E.5a MU:Re7.1.E.8a MU:Re7.1.E.Ia MU:Re7.1.E.IIa MU:Re7.1.E.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.1.5.B 9.1.5.C 9.1.5.E 9.2.5.A 9.1.8.B 9.1.8.C 9.1.8.E 9.2.8.A Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.1.12.B 9.1.12.C 9.1.12.F 9.2.12.A 9.3.12.A 6 7
Analyze MU:Re7.2.E.5a MU:Re7.2.E.8a MU:Re7.2.E.Ia MU:Re7.2.E.IIa MU:Re7.2.E.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.1.5.C 9.2.5.A 9.2.5.L 9.3.5.A 9.3.5.B 9.1.8.C 9.2.8.A 9.2.8.L 9.3.8.A 9.3.8.B Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.1.12.B 9.2.12.L 9.3.12.A
#8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work Interpret MU:Re8.1.E.5a MU:Re8.1.E.8a MU:Re8.1.E.Ia MU:Re8.1.E.IIa MU:Re8.1.E.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.3.5.A 9.3.8.A 9.3.8.B 9.3.8.E Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.3.12.A 9.3.12.C 9.4.12.D
#9 Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work Anaylze MU:Re9.1.E.5a MU:Re9.1.E.8a MU:Re9.1.E.Ia MU:Re9.1.E.IIa MU:Re9.1.E.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.2.5.L 9.3.5.A 9.2.8.L 9.3.8.A Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.2.12.L 9.3.12.A 9.3.12.B 9.3.12.E
Connecting: Relating artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context #10 Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art . MU:Cn10.0.H.5a MU:Cn10.0.H.8a MU:Cn10.0.H.Ia MU:Cn10.0.H.IIa MU:Cn10.0.H.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.1.5.A 9.1.5.B 9.1.5.E 9.2.5.I 9.3.5.D 9.4.5.A 9.4.5.D 9.1.8.A 9.1.8.B 9.1.8.E 9.2.8.I 9.3.8.D 9.4.8.A 9.4.8.D Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.1.12.A 9.1.12.B 9.2.12.A 9.2.12.I 9.2.12.L 9.3.12.A 9.3.12.B 9.3.12.E 9.3.12.F 9.3.12.G 9.4.12.A 9.4.12.B 9.4.12.D 3 4 5 6
#11 Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding . MU:Cn11.O.T.5a MU:Cn11.O.T.8a MU:Cn11.O.T.Ia MU:Cn11.O.T.IIa MU:Cn11.O.T.IIIa Novice Intermediate 9.1.5.E 9.1.5.I 9.1.5.K 9.2.5.A 9.2.5.B 9.2.5.C 9.2.5.E 9.2.5.F 9.2.5.G 9.2.5.H 9.2.5.K 9.2.5.L 9.3.5.B 9.3.5.D 9.1.8.I 9.1.8.K 9.2.8.A 9.2.8.B 9.2.8.C 9.2.8.E 9.2.8.F 9.2.8.G 9.2.8.H 9.2.8.K 9.2.8.L 9.3.8.B 9.3.8.D Proficient Accomplished Advanced 9.1.12.E 9.1.12.I 9.2.12.A 9.2.12.C 9.2.12.E 9.2.12.G 9.2.12.H 9.2.12.J 9.2.12.K 9.3.12.A 9.3.12.D 9.4.12.B 9.1.12.F 9.1.12.K 9.2.12.B 9.2.12.D